Make Your Online Store a Reality
Dream it.
It all begins with a product and an idea. Now you need an online store to sell the dream. That’s where we come in, we will support you to build a templated Squarespace store. We can sit together and create one or you can give us your ideas and we will create a draft. It will be a cost effective way of creating and getting up and running quickly and more importantly provide the tool you need to get selling. Squarespace templates are intuitive and easy to use, you will love turning your dreams into reality.
Build it.
You will need to purchase a Squarespace site and you will need a domain name and e-mail address. We can guide you through the process, which is not as challenging as it may seem. Then within about an hour you will be good to start designing and putting your thoughts into words and clicks.
Publish It.
When you are happy you can set your website free. We will help you setup your analytics so that you can keep an eye on your website visitors. We will also help you to setup Cookie notices and opt in/out.
Market It.
We can put you in touch with the Guru’s at Squarespace who will help you with your SEO, should you require some assistance with this. Squarespace does have comprehensive SEO guidance and features, however a little helping hand with SEO may also help support your journey.